From the Brigade Commander ~ April 2024

By now, I hope the Internet fairy has successfully delivered news to your inboxes about an upcoming field trip to the G.A.R. Civil War Museum & Library (Saturday, April 27 in Philadelphia); The museum has agreed to open its doors to our group on a day otherwise closed to the public. You’ll find a repeat notice on page 5 of our April Newsletter and on our Round Table website.

Speaking of website, don’t forget that our webmaster, Paul Bartlett, regularly combs the internet and other sources for Civil War news to post and share with our members.

Our ever-curious newsletter editor picked up on Alan Lowcher’s reference to the “story-in-itself” Sibley stove (on Newsletter page 3) and went looking for tidbits to share about the inventor and the invention. Sibley was a failure as a military commander but, during his life, he contributed bigly to the U.S. military. You’ll find this nugget inside, on page 7.

Also on page 3 of the April Newsletter, you’ll find a sneak preview about a special Civil War display that will be set up, inside our hotel meeting room, for our May 7, 2024, meeting. Come early to get a good look.

Finally, pages 4 and 5 share details of two shooting events, both using period-accurate Civil War weaponry, being hosted this spring in Springtown, Pa. (Bucks County) by the North-South Skirmish Association. The first event offers a chance to hold, load, and fire a Civil War rifle; the other event offers a chance to watch an “against the clock” competition that will involve the use of multiple pieces of weaponry. Admission to both events is free!
