Wow, we really started off our 40th Anniversary year with a wonderful meeting. Bruce Venter’s program about the 1864 Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid was both entertaining and informative. Sixty members and guests gathered to begin our Campaign year by honoring the memory of Karl Lehr, a true gentleman and scholar who supported our Round Table in thought, word and deed. Our dinner meetings are an opportunity for folks to relax and renew old friendships and make new ones. If you have not attended the dinner portion of our meetings please consider doing so. The food and the conversation and the camaraderie are all wonderful. You won’t be disappointed.
We intend to celebrate our 40th anniversary all throughout this Campaign. Kay Bagenstose is doing a grand job with prizes and treats at every meeting. Please contact me if you have a particular memory or photo from our past that you wish to share with your fellow Civil Warriors.
Have you renewed your membership yet? Your support helps us continue to bring excellent speakers like Bruce before you and ultimately assists in raising funds for the cause of historic preservation. Don’t let Jeff Gates feel lonely at the entrance to the meeting room. He’s a good fellow so stop and chat and reenlist now!
SAVE THE DATE!!!! SATURDAY, April 21, 2018. Our annual Gettysburg Brush cutting effort will be held that day. Stay tuned for details as to where we will be working and the post labor reward for service. Don’t forget to frequently check our website. There is always something informative and interesting.
We are seeking help for our publicity effort. Bob McHugh will provide all the info. All we need is someone to help get that information to the various outlets. Please contact me. All members should help spread the word about our organization. The more members, the merrier!
See you on October 3rd when Petersburg National Battlefield’s Chris Bryce will bring to life “Grant’s Crossing of the James and the Battle for Petersburg.”
Ed Root 610-417-6673