The Civil War Round Table of Eastern Pa., Inc. meets the first Tuesday of each month between September and June

at the Delta Hotels by Marriott, 7735 Adrianne Drive, Breinigsville (formerly the Center 100 and/or Holiday Inn).

From the Brigade Commander - September 2017

Summer has a way of passing all too quickly and this one was no exception. Hopefully everyone is rested and ready to begin Campaign #40 on September 5th.  This is a big year for us and we hope to have fun reminiscing about the past and planning new adventures for the future. Along those lines please look for any photos for days gone by and contact me so we can share them. Also, please consider writing some personal thoughts about people, places or events that struck a chord with you.  We’ve had some great times so share those gems.

Some housekeeping items from last Campaign:

     We have great folks who volunteer his or her time and talents. Additionally a number of you have been very generous with financial donations over and above membership dues. This is extremely important as we provide speakers with mileage reimbursement and rooms at the Holiday Inn. Even though our friends at the Inn give us an excellent rate, the cost adds up over the course of the year. As we continue to try and keep dues as affordable as possible this extra income certainly helps covers expenses and affords a greater impact for historic preservation donations. Please know that your support is greatly appreciated.

     Bob McHugh has been doing double duty as Program Chair and Publicity Chair. As that’s not very fair to him we’d really love for some kind soul to step up and help. Bob will still provide the program notes. We just need someone to help get the information to the right people and follow up. It’s very important. Please contact me or see Bob or me at any meeting.

     Because of the generosity of our membership as well as the success of our Americans at War Conference we ended our year with a $4000 donation to the Civil War Trust. Because of matching grants that $4000 morphed into much much more. Please see Jim Duffy’s report elsewhere in this newsletter. There are no losers when it comes to historic preservation donations. We all carry away with us the satisfaction of doing our share to help preserve America’s historic sites and collections.

Some thoughts going into this 40th Anniversary Campaign:

      We’ve had a year and a half under our belt now at the Holiday Inn and all reports have been outstanding concerning both the venue and the food. Please join us for dinner and conversation if at all possible. If not, walk-ins for just the program are always welcome with open arms. Bring a friend, acquaintance or even someone you don’t know, but bring someone! He or she will certainly thank you.

     We have held our annual print raffle for preservation with great success over the years. This year you will have two chances to win nice artwork. Barry Arnold has generously donated an item for which we will draw a winner at our December meeting. We will also hold our end of year raffle in June. ALL tickets will be eligible for the June raffle so it will be a bonus for anyone buying tickets early as you’ll have two opportunities to win a great prize.

     Claire Kukielka and Barry Arnold have been hard at work planning possible field trip ventures! See their report elsewhere in this newsletter.

     We are working with the folks at Union-West End Cemetery in Allentown about a joint conservation effort and tour. Our work last year at Nisky Hill Cemetery in Bethlehem was very successful. Stay tuned for developments!

     SAVE THE DATE: Our annual brush cutting venture at Gettysburg will be Saturday, April 21st. The NPS is always grateful for our support and we will again reward our volunteers with a special treat/tour after the work day is over. No excuses SAVE THE DATE!!

     Check our website often. Many items of interest and information are added that cannot make the newsletter due to the timetable.   Paul Bartlett is doing a wonderful job keeping things fresh.

     See you September 5th – Ed Root, Brigade Commander, 610-417-6673


Newsletter Mailing Update

Fellow Civil War Round Table members,

     For many years now we have distributed our newsletter via email. A small number of folks still receive the newsletter via the USPS. We cannot continue to do this for a number of reasons. The first is cost: additional cost to copy, cost for stamps, cost as well as time for someone to physically run to make copies and run to the Post Office. I hope you understand and can provide us with an email address as we will no longer provide newsletters via USPS after December, 2017
    I will be happy to discuss the matter further if you wish to contact me.

Ed Root, Brigade Commander        610-417-6673
