Saving Gaines’ Mill Cold Harbor – Launching Phase 4!

From American Battlefield Trust

Three years ago, we launched "The Gaines' Mill and Cold Harbor Saved Forever Campaign."

Today I'm honored and humbled to report that, because of your tremendous generosity and that of your fellow Trust members, we have raised enough funding to preserve significant parts of the most important unprotected battlefield land in this country. For that, I can't thank you enough! 

Introducing Phase 4: "The Cavalry Charge!" 

Over the past three years, we've steadily reached and surpassed major milestones with this project, and now we are closer than ever to permanently preserving a nearly one-square-mile piece of sacred battlefield at Gaines' Mill and Cold Harbor! 

There is only one place in America where nearly one square mile of a "double battlefield" can still be preserved. 

And perhaps even more remarkable, there is only one place where nearly one square mile of hallowed ground is essentially as pristine as it was when the two battles raged in 1862 (Gaines’ Mill) and 1864 (Cold Harbor). 

The overlapping ground on which both the battles of Gaines' Mill and Cold Harbor were fought is one of the most hallowed battlefields in America. 

This enormous tract on both the Gaines' Mill and Cold Harbor battlefields extends from the strategically important Chickahominy River northward to connect with the Richmond National Battlefield Park, as well as the previous tracts we have worked together to save. Securing this tract would create a 3.5-mile linear swath of protected ground.  

Preserving this historic 332 acre tract truly prevents the alarming new types of development which are running rampant in Virginia right now... utility-scale solar farms, huge (and noisy) five-to-eight story data centers, 24-hour warehouse distribution centers which span dozens or scores of acres, and new housing developments. 
Plus, preserve 12 acres of the first land ever saved at Seven Pines! 

In addition to historic land at Gaines' Mill and Cold Harbor, for the first time EVER, we have a chance to preserve land at the Battle of Seven Pines, also known as Fair Oaks. Learn more about the history of this property.

This tract at Seven Pines not only give us the chance, for the first time, to tell the story of the battle that happened there. Just as important, it will remind future visitors that preservation of our nation’s history — specifically of its hallowed battlefields — does not just "happen" on its own. It takes dedicated people who care about our history and money to buy these hallowed grounds from willing sellers to ensure that they will be preserved forever.

The total transaction value for the combined 344 acres we can save at Gaines' Mill and Seven Pines is $1.085 million — certainly a very significant sum. Fortunately, we've already received a few significant gifts from some very generous major donors and expect to receive state and federal grants. Even with those generous gifts and grants, we will still have to raise $506,047.  

Please march alongside us as we pursue the next, absolutely critical phase of this landmark campaign, by making a generous gift today.

 'Til the battle is won,

David N. Duncan, President

American Battlefield Trust