by Frank Whelan (a CWRT Board member)

There are many things that have changed in downtown Allentown lately, a lot of it for the better.
But there is one thing I find offensive, the multi colored lighting used on the Center Square Soldiers and Sailors monument.
While that kind of lighting is fine for the new office buildings it is rather garish, gaudy and tasteless when applied to a 19 th century community icon that represents not just the soldiers of sailors of the Civil War, its original purpose, but those of all wars.
This does not mean that I think the monument should go unlighted. White lights that are directed at the statues of the soldiers and sailors themselves around the base would not only be appropriate but also respectful of the heritage, that I as a member of the board of the Civil War Roundtable of Eastern Pennsylvania and my fellow members cherish.
I respectfully request that Lehigh County authorities as guardians of this treasure that represents the sacrifices of so many make this change that would not only enhance respect for the monument itself but also honor those who will serve their country in the future.