With your support, we have already saved over 2,000 acres at Brandy Station battlefield, the site of the largest cavalry fight in North American history. Now, I’m asking for your help in saving an additional 244 acres of Virginia hallowed ground. Will you help ensure these two historic tracts are preserved for future generations?
First, we can save 70 acres near Beverly’s Ford and Fleetwood Hill where—on June 9, 1863—near Beverly’s Ford and Fleetwood Hill, Confederate forces under General W.H.F. “Rooney” Lee repulsed multiple Union attacks in what one observer called “the finest fighting of the war.”
To the south, near the village of Stevensburg, Confederate forces from South Carolina and Virginia were locked in fierce cavalry combat with Union forces under Colonel Alfred Duffié. It is here that we have targeted 174 acres to preserve in perpetuity.
For future generations to truly understand what took place on this ground in 1863, we must strive to provide an understanding of the battle in its entirety. By adding these 244 acres to what already has been preserved, you're doing just that: saving two crucial portions of the Brandy Station battlefield, where the valor of individual soldiers shaped the course of the battle and our nation's future.