Gettysburg Day One Battlefield Threatened

Few places are as uniquely American as the Gettysburg Battlefield, where Lincoln’s iconic address proclaimed the nation’s new birth of freedom. But for such treasured landscapes to endure, concerned citizens such as yourself must advocate for their protection.


No community is frozen in time and modern society requires 21st century infrastructure for towns and cities to grow and thrive. The American Battlefield Trust has never been anti-development – but we do encourage thoughtful development that balances respect for the past with plans for the future. Unfortunately, a proposal currently under consideration near Gettysburg would undermine decades of preservation and restoration work.


This September, Cumberland Township officials will rule on a plan to build a 112-unit, multi-story apartment rental complex off Country Club Lane, adjacent to land that the American Battlefield Trust helped protect in 2011. This property saw combat as soldiers fought over control of Willoughby Run and McPherson’s Ridge. Further, the project’s impact in the form of increased traffic, sound and light pollution would spill across many other areas of the July 1 battlefield – the Railroad Cut, McPherson’s Woods, Seminary Ridge and Lee’s Headquarters.


We ask that you consider weighing in on this proposal – regardless of whether you are a local resident, a frequent visitor to Gettysburg, or just care deeply about our history. As we saw just last month, when overwhelming opposition defeated a plan that would have altered height restrictions around the battlefield, your voice matters.


Please take a moment to SPEAK OUT by signing the appropriate letter on our website, urging Township officials to reject this proposal. Together, we can make a difference and prevent hallowed ground from being irreparably lost.



Jim Campi

Chief Policy and Communications Officer

American Battlefield Trust