February Meeting ~ Summary and Photos

John Griffiths III portrayed General Daniel E. Sickles at our February 2023 Roundtable meeting. Involved in historical presentations from an early age, Griffiths spoke of Sickles personal history, including his 31 day trial for murder of the Washington city district attorney who was having an affair with his wife. 

He became a US Representative to Congress and during the war he led the Excelsior brigade, composed primarily of volunteers recruits from the NYC area. They fought in a number of key battles as part of the Army of the Potomac, including Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg.

Sickles was the highest ranking volunteer commander, leading the Third Corps. He ends up occupying the Peach Orchard and Devil’s Den, and would be wounded at Gettysburg, losing his right leg to a 12 pound canon ball.

Below are pictured:
1) Winners from our monthly preservation book raffle,
2) Barry Arnold and Dennis Harris, both of the 1st Cav with General Sickles, and
3) General Sickles (John Griffith III being presented with a check by Laura Kleinschmidt.