December Meeting ~ Summary and Photos

Tom Fontana gave an interesting and lively presentation on Lincoln’s little known private side, called “Lincoln Lite.” Fontana led us in songs, and informed us that Lincoln loved to tell stories about clergy and lawyers. Most recollections about the President were written in the years following his tragic death.

Among the insights were that Lincoln could quote Shakespeare especially Macbeth, and that he had a special love for music and opera. 

It was Lincoln’s love of laughter that brought him to see “Our American Cousin” at Ford’s Theater the night of his assassination. Both, himself an actor, kew the play well and was waiting for the line he knew would bring uproarious laughter from the house: “…you SOCKDOLOGIZING old man-trap.” Many of us never having actually heard much of that play, Fontana used four round table members to act out that final fateful scene.

As usual, we also had the December book raffle with abundant winners! —->

See below for a slide show of some of the presentation.