Sad News About Future Work Days at Gettysburg NMP

Gettysburg National Military Park Adopt-A-Position Program
Thanks you for your prior years of dedication and service. We sincerely appreciate the work of our park volunteers and the contribution they make to keeping the park beautiful and protecting resources.  Unfortunately, at this time the AAP program as it has been known for the past several years will no longer be available.  The park has evaluated all the park volunteer programs in terms of how we can better manage them, as well as evaluating the work they do to ensure that these programs are focused on our highest priorities and most urgent needs. The result of our evaluations has directed the park to focus more on volunteering opportunities that correspond with national efforts like “Park Day” and “Lands Day”, etc. in lieu of smaller individual efforts focused on specific locations.  The park will keep you updated as to the next volunteer opportunities in the spring.

Editorial Comment from Ed Root of our CWRT:

Sad news. I was told over a year ago that they were headed in this direction. 

I guess a combination of lack of staff to deal with multiple volunteer groups along with bureaucratic governance that undervalues maintenance wrecked a 25+ year program. Big needs might be met but the little things will fall through the cracks. Little things add up unfortunately and the Park will suffer. 
