Zoom Questionnaire


Zoom Questionnaire
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As you are painfully aware, our Round Table has not met in person for a regular monthly meeting since last March. In an attempt to have some sense of normalcy we started Zoom meetings in November. The four meetings were fun and informative and on March 2nd we are excited to have Donald Miller speak on his new Vicksburg book.

While we wait for the “green” light to resume normal activities at the Holiday Inn we will continue to hold meetings via the Zoom platform. Our attendance has been steady, but frankly not as high as we would desire.

Please take a few moments to answer these few questions:

1.     Have you attended any of our Zoom meetings?

2.     If so, please comment on the experience and give any suggestions you feel would improve the experience.

 3.     If not, kindly advise any and all reasons why you have chosen not to attend. We want to do all possible to increase the number of attendees.

 4.     Are you aware that you can attend the meeting via your phone? With this method you will not see the speaker or any slides, but at least you will hear all the discussion.

 5.     Once we have the ability to meet in person will you attend our dinner session?

 6.     Have you renewed your membership for this Campaign? We continue to support historic preservation and need your support.

 Your opinion is important and will help us plan and improve as an organization in the coming weeks. It is imperative that we keep our Round Table vibrant so that when health and venue restrictions enable us to meet in person, we can not only resume our activities, but be stronger than ever.

 Please respond to: Ed Root at sartilly@hotmail.com

Feel free to call Ed at 610-417-6673 if you wish to discuss further.

 Jim Duffy has been our moderator and Zoom master so feel free to contact him for any technical questions at duffysocwk@aol.com or 610-253-4549

 Please check our website frequently for information and updates.  www.cwrteasternpa.org