From the Brigade Commander ~ January 2022

This newsletter brings great news! Once again, the Civil War Round Table of Eastern Pa., Inc. has been named a Color Bearer of the American Battlefield Trust (ABT). In recognition of our Campaign 43 contributions, we have been assigned the designation of Brigade Color Bearer, a title reserved for individuals and groups donating between $2,500 and $4,999 over a one-year period.

And although many of you already know the story, it bears repeating: Color Bearers (1,400 in strength) represent less than three percent of the ABT’s total membership but donate nearly 50 percent of all monetary gifts. This accolade, and what it represents, was made possible by YOU in the form of membership fees, book raffle and print raffle ticket purchases and donations. America thanks you, and I thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

I have to say that I’m really looking forward to our January lecture. As someone who thinks they know a lot about the American Civil War, I’m frequently surprised by how much more there is for me to learn. A case in point: Our January 4 speaker, Jim Remsen, will share the story of the now-nearly forgotten Camp Discharge, which, within a two-year period, was built, operated and disassembled.

I hope you can join us for dinner and the lecture or for the lecture. And, please don’t forget to share news of this event with folks you know who have an interest in Civil War and/or Pennsylvania history.
