From the Brigade Commander - December 2021

From the Brigade Commander

With several brigade meetings now under our belt, it’s starting to feel like the old days again. And that feels really good!

We’ve got another, terrific presentation lined up for our December 7th meeting. Tom McMillan will return to the CWRT of Eastern Pa. stage to share the true story of the relationship between C.S.A. general Lewis Armistead and U.S. general Winfield Scott Hancock. You’ll find details on page 2.

Inside this issue, you’ll also get a sneak peek at the June, 2022, field trip to Harpers Ferry National Historical Park. Our guide for the day will be none other than Dennis Frye, former chief historian at Harper’s Ferry and recipient of the Distinguished Service Award—the Department of the Interior’s highest honor. Hearing Dennis speak is an almost incomparable treat, and we hope you’ll be able to join us. We’ll share more details about the trip as soon as we can.

In the meantime, I offer best wishes to you and yours for a safe and joyous holiday season.


P.S. ‘Tis the season, in case you’re thinking about year-end charitable giving. You need only to glance at our brigade’s credentials (at the bottom of this page) or visit page 5 of this newsletter to appreciate the huge impact of individual giving when matched by challenge grants. Also, remember that the CARES Act was extended to the end of 2021, which means that even non- itemizers can deduct up to $300 of charitable donations on their tax returns ($600 for married couples filing jointly).