We had a nice turnout for last month’s meeting and more lecture walk-ins than we’ve seen in a while—a trend I hope to see continue. You can help make this possible by sharing news of our lectures with your friends, coworkers, neighbors and family members. You’ll find a partial listing of Campaign 44 lectures inside and a complete listing on our website.
Our lectures are less than half the cost of a movie theater ticket ($5) and enlighten, inspire and fire the imagination with examples of heroism, cowardice, faith and fearlessness—enough to leave anyone feeling more than satisfied. (Your friends are also welcome to join us for dinner, by the way.) Plus, don’t forget that we’ve got an incentive program in place right now for the member who brings in the highest number of new members. You’ll find program details inside.
Last month’s speaker, Bert Dunkerly, treated attendees to an excellent lecture about all of the Civil War surrenders that occurred after Appomattox. (Inside, you’ll find a story about the very last of the Confederate generals to surrender.) This month, historian and reenactor Mike Jesberger will present a lecture about the 1913 Reunion at Gettysburg, an event now almost forgotten. Touted as the “Great Reunion,” it turned out to be more about men seeking deeply personal interactions and a desire to bury the hatchet and heal.
We continue with a Confederate theme in this month’s newsletter, which showcases several officers— one who behaved badly, one honorably, and one insisting they were just following orders. Enjoy!