2021 Gettysburg Workday Officially Cancelled


We. received the following note from Gettysburg NMP today officially cancelling the work day we had hoped might be able to take place in April (or later this year). The AAP Program was the oversight for our annual day in the park. We will look forward to 2022.

Due to the continuing COVID restrictions and cautions, the 2021 Adopt-A-Position (AAP) has been cancelled.  The park had to make a decision on the year as a whole because there are staff brought in specifically to handle this program, which without this program would not otherwise be needed.  Thank you for your continued interest and dedication to the AAP program, we will communicate any additional updates or volunteering opportunities as they arise.


Randall Hill
Supervisory Facility Operations Specialist
Gettysburg National Military Park / Eisenhower National Historic Site