Hello and a Merry Christmas to you and yours and a Happy and hopefully healthier New Year.
Time again to encourage all to participate in the January 5th Zoom meeting of the CWRT of Eastern PA. Hopefully, I will be able to manage things better this time.
I will be sending out the "invitations" to the 1/5/21 meeting on 12/27/20 and will be requesting a reminder e-mail blast on 1/3/21.If you want to participate in the meeting, please contact me at Duffysocwk@aol.com so I can forward the "invitation" to you.
When you get the "invitation", note that there is a line called "Join Zoom Meeting". On 1/5/21, you can click on that and should be able to get into the meeting. I would suggest that you write down the Meeting ID Number and the Passcode as you will be asked to put these into the prompts that will come up. Also, you will see a page that says "join with video and audio" or "join with audio only" Click on the one you prefer.
Also near the bottom of the "invitation", it will say find local number if you just want to listen in over the phone. There are other numbers listed but these will be from out of the area - choose the one closest to the Lehigh Valley.
Thanks, stay safe and see you on 1/5/21 at 7PM.
Jim Duffy