Good news!
Rather than continue to wait for the kind of occupancy guidelines that would allow us to return to our “normal” monthly meeting format, we are moving forward with a “virtual” lecture format, beginning in November.
I know that, for some, the idea of a virtual approach may feel a bit worrisome. But keep reading; I think you’ll like what you see.
We’re going to use a tool called Zoom. Here’s the process:
• You can view the program on your computer or cell phone OR listen in by phone. You choose.
• If you choose the Zoom internet option, you will need to download the FREE Zoom application, which is quick and easy to do.
I can tell you now that we WON’T be meeting on Tuesday, November 3rd. But we expect to confirm a date in the next few days, and we will notify you as soon as all of the details are settled. You will also receive instructions that you can follow to access the broadcast. If you receive your newsletter by the USPS, you will receive this information via the USPS.
We are also making good progress in the areas of membership renewals and print raffle revenue:
Thirty-two percent of members of record (as of this time last year) have renewed for Campaign 43.
Raffle ticket sales to date total $285.
I want to thank those of you who have made these promising early revenue gains possible. I also want to remind all of you that every month we can’t meet in person, we are losing walk-in fees and book raffle revenues. And, although we are avoiding speaker mileage and hotel room costs, we have needed to spend treasury dollars to purchase a Zoom membership. When we add up Campaign 43 budget numbers and include the cost for the Zoom membership, our anticipated revenue losses will be larger than our expense avoidances. And that means fewer dollars going to preservation efforts. Of course, all this assumes we will need to continue in this mode for the entire campaign. Only time will tell.
These are hard times for small businesses like the CWRT of Eastern Pa., Inc., and your continued support via print raffle ticket purchases and/or donations will make ultimately a difference in how well our nation’s history is preserved. For your convenience, we’ve included a donation form inside this newsletter edition. You can also send in a donation along with a copy of the membership renewal form you’ll also find inside.
Barry Arnold