The Civil War Round Table of Eastern Pa., Inc. meets the first Tuesday of each month between September and June

at the Delta Hotels by Marriott, 7735 Adrianne Drive, Breinigsville (formerly the Center 100 and/or Holiday Inn).

Nominations for Officers and Directors for the 2018-2019 Campaign


Civil War Round Table of Eastern Pennsylvania, Inc
Nominating Report presented by Joseph Riggs, Nominating Chair
Slate of Officers and Directors for the 2018-2019 Campaign

Election to be held at the May 1, 2018 Meeting
Nominations from the floor will be accepted at that time.

Brigade Commander; Edwin Root

Regimental Commander: Robert McHugh

Company Co-Commanders: Claire Kukielka and Barry Arnold

Adjutant: Kay Bagenstose

Paymaster: James Duffy

Board Members, Term Ending June 2020:
William Frankenfield
Frank Whelan

Continuing Service, Term Ending June 2019
Kim Jacobs
Ed Oechsle
