We ended our 39th Campaign year on a high note with good friend Eric Campbell. It’s always a special evening when one of our many National Park Service friends pays us a visit. The campaigns in the Shenandoah Valley continue to fascinate all Civil War “life time learners.” Thanks to Eric our knowledge and understanding of Jubal Early’s October 19, 1864 assault at Cedar Creek was greatly increased.
Thanks to Round Table members who volunteered on both June 17 & 18 at the Lehigh Valley Civil War Days in Whitehall. Barry Arnold, Kay Bagenstose, Jim Duffy, Bill Frankenfield, Tony Major, Ed Oechsle and Roger Tice all gave up all or parts of their weekend to help spread the word about the CWRT of Eastern Pa, Inc. and our activities. Neil and Kathy Coddington and all the folks at the Friends of Camp Geiger work hard every year to bring this event to the Lehigh Valley.
Our organization’s 40th year is upon us! Bob McHugh has a wonderful lineup of speakers set for the 2017-18 year. You will not want to miss any of these programs! We start off the year at the Holiday Inn on September 5th when Bruce Venter will present Kill Jeff Davis; The Kilpatrick-Dahlgren Raid on Richmond, 1864. I’ve heard this program and it is excellent! Bruce’s book is top notch scholarship as is his presentation.
Have you checked our website recently? If not, you are missing out on much. Paul Bartlett is doing a super job keeping the site fresh with news and information. Do yourself a favor and visit it frequently. We’ve also added to our research section which will help answer many of your questions about people, places and events during those turbulent years. http://www.cwrteasternpa.org/
Our next Executive Board meeting will be held at the Southern Lehigh Public Library at 3200 Preston Lane in Center Valley on Tuesday, August 1st at 7PM. All members are invited.
Many of you will travel over the summer visiting our country’s many fascinating historic sites. Please consider writing a short review to share with your fellow history buffs. We can all learn from each other so let us all benefit from your knowledge and experience. Contact me at sartilly@hotmail.com
Membership dues for our 40th campaign are due! Avoid the rush and send your $25.00 to CWRT of Eastern PA at Post Office Box 333, Allentown, PA 18105. Spread the word and enlist a friend. They’ll thank you and you’ll make Enlistment Officer Jeff Gates’ job a tad easier in September!
Have an enjoyable and safe summer; see you on September 5th!!