Nisky Hill Cemetery - Bethlehem

Saturday morning, October 29th, was as beautiful a fall day as could be imagined or                    desired.Our eleven intrepid workers mustered at 10AM and immediately began lightly sandingand then painting the Dahlgren cannon and stacked cannon balls placed in the midst of the flag covered graves of 59 Union veterans. The previous Saturday had originally been the target, but the heavens cried and the winds howled and our volunteers regrouped! Morning Call reporter Scott Kraus joined us and did a nice story on our work which was completed before noon. Ongoing research into the war time service and post war lives of these men has given us a glimpse into the trials and tribulations of living and dying in the 19th and early 20th centuries. We hope to end up with a permanent record of the lives of these gallant men who helped save the Union.

Thanks to Barry Arnold, Chuck Cannon, Bill Frankenfield, Jeff Heller, Claire Kukielka, Alan Lowcher, Emily, Stu, Nick and Lanie Schenkel for participating.

Ed Root – Brigade Commander