The Civil War Round Table of Eastern Pa., Inc. meets the first Tuesday of each month between September and June

at the Delta Hotels by Marriott, 7735 Adrianne Drive, Breinigsville (formerly the Center 100 and/or Holiday Inn).

From the Brigade Commander - January 2018

Ed Root.jpg

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2018 and our continuing study of American history! We always find something new and fascinating from our monthly speakers as well as from the never ending release of books that break unknown ground and discover treasurers.

A picture is worth a thousand words; certainly a truism for all those who attended our December gathering with Tim Smith. History does come alive when we view the scenes of that famous field at Gettysburg through the eyes of men like Gardner and Tipton. Thanks Tim for an excellent program.

We were pleased to see eight students from Bob McHugh’s Saucon Valley High School United States History Advanced Placement class at our December meeting. These are exceptional young people who also participate in our annual conservation project at Gettysburg. We salute the next generation of folks who study our nation’s history and help preserve her historic sites and collections!

Congratulations to Jeff Gates for winning our December 40th Anniversary prize (generously organized by Kay Bagenstose) and to Terri Monroe for coming away with our December Preservation raffle print which was donated by Barry Arnold. Keep buying those tickets for our June raffle folks. We all win when we donate to historic preservation. Shame on you is you have not stopped by to see Jeff Gates and reenlisted for this our 40th year. Your membership is important and we do appreciate your support.

Don’t forget to frequently check our website. There is always something informative and interesting. Paul Bartlett does a great job keeping things fresh.

Signup sheets will be at the January meeting for our Saturday, April 21st Brush Cutting adventure at Gettysburg’s Henry Spangler Farm.

A hearty “Thank You” to all those who responded to our Annual Appeal. Thus far we have received donations totaling nearly $500 from ten members. This support over and above your dues will help us to continue to provide the excellent programs and meetings you have come to expect and appreciate without raising dues or dinner fees. If you are of a mind, it is not too late to make an offering to the Cause!

See you on January 2 when we welcome in the New Year with Mike Jesberger who will speak about the Civil War Home Front, a little discussed, but very important facet of the “Late Unpleasantness.”

Ed Root 610-417-6673
