Timothy H. Smith is a native of Baltimore and a lifelong student of the American Civil War. He is employed as a Licensed Battlefield Guide at the Gettysburg National Military Park and as a research historian at the Adams County Historical Society. He is an instructor for the Gettysburg Elderhostel and teaches classes on the battle and local history at the Gettysburg Campus of the Harrisburg Area Community College. Tim has written numerous articles and authored or co-authored ten books on Gettysburg related topics, including John Burns: The Hero of Gettysburg (2000) . He has lectured extensively at Civil War Round Tables and Seminars and has appeared on several television documentaries, including the Unknown Civil War and the popular PCN Gettysburg Battle Walk series.
About Tim Smith’s Topic, Photography at Gettysburg In the aftermath of the great battle, sightseers, reporters and photographers descended on the town of Gettysburg. In 1863 alone, seven different photography firms or individual recorded scenes at Gettysburg. In 1867 two local firms recorded a vast number of stereo views, increasing the total number of views recorded in Gettysburg during the 1860s to over 300. During the decades that followed, thousands more photographs were recorded by local and national firms. Join Timothy H. Smith as we examine some of these views and discus the photographic coverage of the battlefield.