November Meeting Details Announced

NOVEMBER 12, 2024*

Leon Reed presents “Gettysburg Monuments, the Stories the Veterans Told, the Artists Who Made Them, … and a Quick Look at the Civil War Monuments Around the Keystone State”.

Synopsis:  The regimental monuments at Gettysburg were mostly erected around the time of the battle’s 25th anniversary. The old soldiers knew this was their one chance to tell future generations what was on their minds. Some of the monuments tell us much: we miss a fallen companion, we remember some incident of the battle, we’re glad the war is over, we’re still irked about something.

In this fast-moving lecture, Leon will tell us many things we didn’t know about Gettysburg monuments. He will also take a very quick look at the Civil War monuments of Antietam, Washington, DC, Philadelphia, and will take a quick spin around the state of Pennsylvania.


Leon Reed is a retired US Senate aide, defense consultant, and US History teacher. He lives in Gettysburg with his wife Lois, where he doesn’t travel as much as he would like to, doesn’t see his five grandchildren nearly often enough, and spends much of his time writing, mainly military history. He has written three books on Gettysburg monuments and three World War II soldier memoirs

From the Brigade Commander ~ November

Since our last newsletter, we’ve received several types of donations, some of which seem to be intended to reward good behavior. We have also continued to receive re-enlistment funds for this campaign year. Thanks! 

We’re happy to welcome back Leon Reed, an able and knowledgeable speaker, who will serve as our November meeting lecturer. You can read more about the scope of his presentation in Upcoming Events 

Since our November meeting was moved forward one week (to November 12th) to accommodate the upcoming Presidential election, it seemed reasonable to share the way politicians tried to get in military voters’ way for the Presidential election between McClellan and Lincoln. See the November Brigade Call on page 4 for more. 

Lastly, I want to thank Round Table members Claire Kukielka and Laura Kleinschmidt, who have organized a great day at Gettysburg on November 2nd. Spots are still open for anyone interested in joining the group. See the November Brigade Call on pp. 6 and 7 for trip details and signup information. 


October Meeting Highlights and Photos

The October meeting featured Capt. Donald Levick, MD - XIth Corps, Medical Division talking about the responsibilities of a Union Civil War Surgeon from various perspectives: as a Field Surgeon early in the war and as a Head Surgeon at Spangler Farm Field Hospital in Gettysburg.

It was a fascinating look at Civil War medicine and how it evelved in the four years of fighting from first aid stations on the field, to surgeries in field hospitals and the care taken to allow for prostetic devices following the war - all while averaging just minutes per patient!!

Captain Levick demonstrated the medical instruments and surgical techniques that were in use during the war; and spoke about anesthesia, disease and germ theory, as well as overall morbidity / mortality statistics. 

As usual we also held our monthly preservation book raffle.

The Brigade Commander reminded all that the November meeting will be the SECOND Tuesday due to the presidential election.

Photos below

From the Brigade Commander ~ October

From the Brigade Commander

Our Campaign 47 has hit the ground running! Our book raffle fundraiser got off to a great start, as did Campaign 47 membership renewals. Inside, you’ll find information about three field trips in the works for this fall and next spring.

More good news: the Pa. Department of State has approved our 2023 filings, which gives us a green light to continue our mission of making a real difference in the fight to defend the legacy of our nation’s defining conflict.

Just a few days ago, a last-minute cancellation by our planned-for October speaker really put the heat on our regimental commander, Laura Kleinschmidt. I won’t say that I think the presentation summary for our substitute speaker, Captain Dr. Donald Levick, sounds better than the one originally planned. But it sure sounds like a winner! Click here for information on the program.

Hope you can make it.


Newly Revised October Program Announced

A Day in the Life of a Union Civil War Surgeon 

Presented by: Capt. Donald Levick, MD - XIth Corps, Medical Division

Dr. Levick will discuss the responsibilities of a Union Civil War Surgeon from various perspectives: as a Field Surgeon early in the war and as a Head Surgeon at Spangler Farm Field Hospital in Gettysburg. Captain Levick will demonstrate the medical instruments and surgical techniques that were in use during the war; and discuss related topics such as anesthesia, disease and germ theory, and overall morbidity / mortality statistics. 

Dr. Levick is a semi-retired pediatrician who has been in practice in the Lehigh Valley since 1985. He began participating in Living History as a Civil War Surgeon in 2023 as a member of the Blue & Gray Hospital Association (, and most recently participated in Living History Weekend at the Gettysburg Heritage Center (Sept 21-22). He is married with three adult children, one grandson and is an avid fan of conflict simulation historical board games

September Meeting Highlights and Photos

We began September’s Meeting remembering the contribution and legacy of the late Karl Lehr. Thank you Karl!

Sarah Kay Bierle gave an amazing presention about the the histories of UD General George McClellan, CS Cavalry’s JEB Stuart and the lesser known US Cavalry’s Alfred Pleasenten.

She described the well known trip Stuart led around McClellan’s forces in the Peninsulas Campaign, but then went on the talk in detail about the highly secretive journey led by Stuart circling the US troops with a goal of destroying a raIlroad bridge near Chambersburg, all while capturing horses and supplies. After initially heading west, the calvary under Pleasenten’s command rode east and almost intercepted Stuart forces before they crossed back into Virginia.

It was a fascinating discourse, enjoyed by all.

As usual we also held the book raffle which benefits our preservation efforts.

Claire announced one firm and one possible field trip. See the information below.

From the Brigade Commander September 2024

From the Brigade Commander

As we get ready to begin our 47th campaign year, let me start off by thanking you for supporting our efforts to share and preserve the watershed in American history we know as the Civil War.

Until recently, I knew nothing about numerology, and now, only enough to be dangerous. But I read that the number 47 implies “being on the right path and capable of helping to create some- thing unique to give to the world.” Or, as our mission statement says, “... make a real difference in the fight to preserve American battlefield land and the legacy of our nation’s defining conflict.” How’s that for a coincidence? And so, if the 47-thing is true, this year may be quite a ride. In the words of another centuries-old belief—fingers crossed!

Here’s another coincidence. Last June, I attended an event focused on relics and met Dennis Morris, the owner of Gettysburg Diographics ( We got to talking

and, pretty soon, he was donating one of his prints called “Retreat from the Peach Orchard” to our Round Table for fund- raising purposes.

Our Board of Directors will meet in late September to discuss ways to “continue the fight” during this campaign year. If you have ideas, I hope you’ll reach out and share them with me or any Board Member.

In the meantime, I’m looking forward to seeing you on the evening of September 3rd.


September 3rd Presentation Details Announced

Presentation Description:

“The Boys Who Rode Around McClellan”:  The Chambersburg Raid

The Chambersburg Raid explores the day to day, town by town details of Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart’s cavalry raid into Pennsylvania during October 1862. Did it really accomplish the objectives? Was it worth the miles and the gallantry?  This presentation explores the motives, military details, civilian interactions, and outcomes of Stuart’s second ride around McClellan.

Speaker Bio: Sarah Kay Bierle

Sarah Kay Bierle graduated from Thomas  Edison State University with a BA in History, works in the Education Department at American Battlefield Trust, and occasionally writes for Emerging Civil War. She has spent years exploring ways to share quality historical research in ways that will inform and inspire modern audiences, including school presentations, writing, and speaking engagements.  Sarah has published three historical fiction books and her first nonfiction book, Call Out the Cadets: The Battle of New Market, is part of the Emerging Civil War Series. She currently has a book under contract with the University  of  Tennessee Press and a forthcoming biography about Confederate artillerist John Pelham with Savas Beatie.

Taylor Sword Update

Ed Root writes about the Taylor Sword…

Just wanted to update everyone about the Taylor sword display at Nitschmann Middle School.

John Rohal and I met with Brett Peters at Historic Bethlehem’s Museums & Sites Kemerer Museum. 

Brett is continuing to update and change the display and is working with administration to further the study of Civil War and local history.

Whereas there was originally not room for the Taylor poster we will now be able to incorporate it. This is a copy of an original poster donated by Jack Stanley.

I also gave Brett an original artifact piece made by Barry Arnold. This is just an example of ongoing work to periodically change the display and keep it fresh and interesting. 

Please check the Historic Bethlehem website -

At the Kemerer Museum there is now a marvelous program about historic Bethlehem hotels dating from pre Civil War through the 1920’s. I encourage you all to visit.